Our Red Rose Bouquet is nothing short of a visual treat! It's not just a bunch of fresh flowers, but a heartfelt expression of gratitude, gentleness, appreciation, and grace. Associated with innocence and happiness, these blush-coloured flowers are perfect for an anniversary gift or celebrating birthdays. Show your special someone just how much they mean to you by sending them our exquisite Red Rose Bouquet. Each rose is carefully handpicked by our florists. Whether it's a partner, friend, or family member, this fresh flower bouquet is certain to bring a smile to their face. It's more than just a gift; it's a symbol of your love and appreciation. Send this bouquet today to express your feelings more eloquently than words ever could.
Color Story: Red
Focal flowers: Roses
Filler: Limonium, Spray Carnations, Dried Rice Flower
Prestige = 36 roses
Luxe = 24 roses
Grande = 12 roses
Standard = 6 roses