Our Quicksand Rose Bouquet is a captivating visual delight that goes beyond being just a bunch of fresh flowers. It conveys heartfelt appreciation, gentleness, gratitude, and grace. With their pale, blush-colored beauty, these flowers symbolize happiness and innocence, making them the perfect choice for anniversaries or birthdays. Handpicked carefully by our expert florists, each rose in this exquisite bouquet is a testament to your affection for your partner, friend, or family member. It is not merely a gift; it's a tangible expression of your love and gratitude that will bring a radiant smile to their face. Let this bouquet convey your feelings eloquently, surpassing the limitations of words.
Colour Story: Neutrals and Pink
Focal flowers: Roses
Filler Flowers: Limonium, Spray Carnations, Dried Rice Flower
Prestige = 36 roses
Luxe = 24 roses
Grande = 12 roses
Standard = 6 roses